Located in Stanley Park, the largest aquarium in Canada features outdoor
displays of Killer and Beluga whales and other marine mammals. Inside
exhibits contain northwest coastal life forms, a tropical gallery and an
Amazon Gallery.
Eight designated spaces in the south end of the lot near
the entrance.
Ramped entrance is of low grade.
Outdoor exhibits through heavy doors to the left. The Arctic Canada
section is very accessible with a ramp to a good viewing area. Access to
the underwater viewing is through an elevator. Killer whale shows on the
upper level of the Max Bell Marine Mammal Centre has seating at the back
of the amphitheatre. Underwater viewing of killer whales is through a
difficult and steep winding ramp, which may require assistance. Indoor
exhibits are all level access and well spaced.
WASHROOMS: Four with accessible cubicles. For
easiest access use the lower level washroom at the end of the Arctic
Gallery. WEB SITE:
See Also:
Accessibility Info.