Greater Vancouver First Nations ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver First Nations
businesses, services, and related interests located within the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. |
BC Aboriginal Child Care Society |
BC Aboriginal Child Care
Society -
West Vancouver,
The BC Aboriginal Child Care Society helps Aboriginal communities develop high
quality, integrated, community child care services that are based in the
children’s culture, language and history. These services promote healthy growth
and development among Aboriginal children. |
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BC Treaty Commission |
BC Treaty Commission -
The Treaty Commission is the independent, neutral body responsible for
facilitating treaty negotiations among Canada, BC and First Nations in BC. |
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Coastal Peoples Fine Arts |
Coastal Peoples Fine
Arts -
Coastal Peoples is a leading gallery showcasing museum quality Northwest Coast
First Nations and Inuit artwork. Founded in 1996, the gallery is set in an
historic warehouse space, with a strong emphasis on representing the diverse and
distinct carving styles relating to the numerous coastal communities in BC. |
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Coglan Art Gallery |
Coglan Art Gallery -
Fine native Indian art from the Pacific Northwest coast. Coghlan Art Studio and
Gallery was established in 1988. Our wood carvings, masks, totem poles, and
paintings have been placed in private and public collections through out North
America and Europe. |
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Douglas Reynolds Gallery |
Douglas Reynolds
Gallery -
The Douglas Reynolds Gallery offers an extensive collection of Northwest coast
native art and fine jewelry. |
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First Nations Summit |
First Nations Summit -
North Vancouver,
The First Nations Summit is comprised of a majority of First Nations and Tribal
Councils in BC and provides a forum for First Nations in British Columbia to
address issues related to Treaty negotiations as well as other issues of common
concern. |
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Hill's Native Art |
Hill's Native Art -
Hill’s Native Art has acquired the largest and most varied collection of First
Nations and Inuit arts and crafts. Hill’s has caught worldwide attention as the
largest Northwest Coast Native Art Gallery in North America, and has exhibited
hundreds of works by emerging and internationally renowned artists. |
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Inuit Gallery of Vancouver |
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver -
Since 1979, the Inuit Gallery has offered museum quality Inuit and Northwest
Coast First Nations art in the heart of Gastown. We carry a tradition of
presenting important exhibitions of Canadian aboriginal art, featuring new works
by senior artists and exploring the work of the talented next generation of
artists. |
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Khot-La-Cha Coast Salish
Handicrafts |
Khot-La-Cha Coast Salish
Handicrafts -
West Vancouver,
Khot-La-Cha Art Gallery and Gift Shop is a known retail outlet situated on the
Capilano Reserve in North Vancouver. Khot-La-Cha features items created by some
of British Columbia's finest Aboriginal artists and crafts people. |
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Latermer Gallery |
Latermer Gallery -
Lattimer Gallery has the unique warm atmosphere of a Northwest Longhouse and we
invite you to browse to you heart's content. We offer a fascinating display of
finely crafted gold and silver jewellery, argillite carvings, soapstone
sculptures, steam bent boxes, masks, totem poles, and much more. |
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Museum of Anthropology |
Museum of Anthropology -
The Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia is
world-renowned for its Native cultural collections, research, teaching, public
programs, and community connections. |
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Native Education College |
Native Education College -
The Native Education College in Vancouver has been offering culturally relevant
education and training programs to the Aboriginal community since 1967. |
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Spirit Wrestler Gallery |
Spirit Wrestler Gallery -
Specializing in Inuit and Northwest coastal art... the gallery is located in
the former Alhambra Hotel building at 8 Water Street, in historic Gastown. |
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Vancouver Museum |
Vancouver Museum -
The history of Vancouver begins long before 1886. The First Nations Collections
from Vancouver Museum bring to life, the histories, struggles, and triumphs of
the Aboriginal peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast. |
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Xaytem Longhouse Interpretive
Centre |
Xaytem Longhouse Interpretive
Centre -
Xaytem offers a unique opportunity to learn about Sto-lo peoples spirituality,
archaeology and history at a place where our culture has flourished for
thousands of years. |
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