Greater Vancouver Float Planes ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver Float Plane
businesses, services, and related interests located within the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. |
eJet Aviation |
eJet Aviation -
eJet Aviation Inc offers Float Plane & Helicopter adventure programs for
corporate events and special occasions. Whether your visiting or a resident of
Vancouver and have a interest in seeing the city from the air we can help. If
you're looking for a gift idea for someone special we can introduce you to the
most amazing areas in Vancouver and surrounding areas. |
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Harbour Air |
Harbour Air -
Harbour Air is one of the largest all seaplane airlines in the world. Customers
can experience adventure in the Khutzeymateen - Valley of the Grizzly Bear in
Northern British Columbia, search for Orcas of the shores of Victoria, or spend
an afternoon on a secret lake north of Vancouver enjoying a gourmet picnic
lunch. |
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Pacific Coastal Airlines |
Pacific Coastal
Airlines -
Pacific Coastal Airlines is an established name on the Canadian West Coast,
operating flight services in the coastal regions of British Columbia. |
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