Fight High Gas Prices;
Support the Electric Vehicle Industry ...
Sick & Tired of High Gas Prices? ... |
Like many others, you are probably sick and tired of being
gouged by high gas prices... and why not; the price of crude oil
has dropped approx. 74% from its peak, yet the price of gasoline
has only dropped approx. 35% during the same time.
Big-oil and
the major auto manufacturers essentially operate like monopolies
(see the movie:
Who killed the electric car?) ... these companies have
designed their businesses to extract as much money from you as
possible, while at the same time restricting your
choice of vehicle fuels... to make things worse, governments have jumped into
bed with
Big-oil; because governments find it very easy &
efficient to simply tax the monopolistic gasoline delivery system
that Big-oil has created over the decades, thus allowing governments
to simply & easily collect hundreds of billions in taxes
annually with virtually no cost, effort, resistance, oversight, or
The only long-term cure to ending the reign of
corrupt oil
companies and their associated parasites is to switch to
electric vehicles... technology is currently being developed that will eventually allow you to
power your electric car with FREE SOLAR POWER from your
It's vitally important for you to support, sponsor, or
promote your local electric vehicle company/industry in any way possible
(see links below) ... so one day, we'll all be able to tell the
corrupt oil companies and their associated parasites to shove their
dirty oil up their as**s.
Greater Vancouver Electric
Vehicle Companies & Services ... |
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Bikelane Electric Bicycles |
Bikelane Electric
Bicycles -
South Surrey,
Bikelane Electric Bicycles offers Electric Bicycles sales,
service, conversions, parts and accessories. Drop by and test ride an
electric bike today. |
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Canadian Electric Vehicles
Ltd |
Canadian Electric Vehicles
Ltd -
Canadian Electric Vehicles (CEV) converts internal combustion
engines (ICE) vehicles to clean electric power vehicles. Randy Holmquist,
President of CEV, has over 25 years combined experience in the
automotive & marine industries, which includes over 10 years of
experience with electric vehicles. |
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City Biker Electric Bikes |
City Biker
Electric Bikes -
City Biker was founded in 2005. We are an established dealer and
distributor of electric bicycle and scooter products. Our vision is to
provide affordable “0 emission” alternative transportation to all walks
of life. Our e-bikes are affordable, practical, and fun to ride. |
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Delta-Q Technologies |
Delta-Q Technologies -
Delta-Q Technologies develops and markets high efficiency,
integrated power conversion and power management products, including
AC-DC battery chargers and DC-DC converters, for OEMs of electric and
hybrid drive vehicles. |
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E-Cycle Electric Bikes |
E-Cycle Electric Bikes -
E-Cycle.ca provides electric bikes, electric motorcycles, electric
scooters, and related accessories & components. DBA Ecodrive Technology
Group Inc. |
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E-SUV Inc. - Electric
Utility Vehicles |
E-SUV Inc. - Electric
Utility Vehicles -
E-SUV Inc. is the exclusive Canadian dealers and distributors for
E-ride Industries Inc, which builds electric transportation and utility
vehicles, like the EXV2 and EXV4. |
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eBikes.ca - Personal
Electric Vehicles |
eBikes.ca - Personal
Electric Vehicles -
Educational resource about Personal Electric Vehicles (PEV's)...
including; tech info, troubleshooting, projects, events, and more. |
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Electric Coast Vehicles Inc |
Electric Coast
Vehicles Inc -
North Vancouver,
Electric Coast specializes in providing Light Electric
Transportation solutions for today’s market. We source and provide only
the best performing and best quality systems and vehicle solutions
currently available to you. |
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Green World Electric
Vehicles |
Green World Electric
Vehicles -
5 things you wont have to do anymore if you buy an electric bike;
(1) buy gas, (2) buy insurance, (3) pay for parking, (4) sit in traffic,
(5) waste your time and money. Green World has been selling Electric
Vehicles since 2003. |
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Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
Canada Association |
Hydrogen & Fuel
Cells Canada Association -
Our mission is to accelerate Canada's world-leading hydrogen and
fuel cell industry. Our members cover most types of hydrogen and fuel
cell technologies, components, systems supply and integration, fuelling
systems, fuel storage, and engineering and financial services. |
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JV Bike - Electric Bikes |
JV Bike - Electric Bikes -
JV Bike has a huge selection of high quality electric bicycles,
and electric bicycle conversion kits. |
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Raylight Enterprises Co |
Raylight Enterprises Co -
Electric bikes have many benefits, including; PST exemption, no
gasoline needed, no air pollution generated, no license needed, no
insurance needed, no registration needed, easy maintenance, easy
portability. Come in and see our current specials. |
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REV Technologies Inc |
Technologies Inc -
REV Technologies specializes in converting Ford fleet vehicles
into advanced battery powered highway-capable electric and plug-in
hybrid vehicles under its trademarked REV and REV-H brands. REV
Technologies was formally known as Envia Auto. |
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Scrap-It Program |
Scrap-It Program -
The Scrap-It Program works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
improve air quality by getting older vehicles off the road. The Program
offers qualifying vehicle owners financial incentives to scrap their
older vehicle. |
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Vancouver Electric Vehicle
Association |
Vancouver Electric
Vehicle Association -
VEVA is a non-profit society that was formed to promote the
development of clean alternative transportation with a focus on Electric
Vehicles. While our membership is drawn largely from the lower mainland
we have members from all over BC as well as other provinces and states. |
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More Electric Vehicle Links |
- AC
Better Place Project,
- Cal
Electric Car,
- Electric Auto
Electric Cars and Hybrids,
- Electric Drive Transportation Association,
- Electro
- EV Cast,
- EV Finder,
- EV Forum,
- EV Nut,
- EV Parts,
- EV
- EV World,
Green Car Congress,
- Hybrid Car,
- Plug-in America,
- Plug-in
Hybrid Network,
- Plug-in Partners,
Revenge of the Electric Car,
- Solar
Telsa Motors,
- V is
for Voltage,
White Zombie Electric Car,
Who Killed the Electric Car?,
Zero Motorcycles,
Add Site |
Contact |
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