Greater Vancouver Forestry
Industry ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver Forestry
businesses, services, and related interests located within the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. |
BC Forest Information |
BC Forest
Information -
BC's forests cover an area twice as big as all of the New England states and
New York state combined. BCforestinformation.com is proud to present the facts
about B.C.’s forests and how they are being managed. |
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BC Government Ministry of Forests |
BC Government Ministry of
Forests -
The British Columbia Ministry of Forests is the steward of the timber, range
and recreation resources of British Columbia's unreserved public (Crown) forest
land. |
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BC Lumber Trade Council |
BC Lumber Trade Council -
The British Columbia Lumber Trade Council is the voice for BC companies
involved in the $10 billion Canada-United States trade in softwood lumber. The
Council supports and seeks free trade in softwood lumber with the United States. |
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BCWood.com |
BCWood.com -
BC Wood is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to growing British
Columbia's secondary wood-products manufacturing industry. Established in 1989
as a partnership between industry and government, BC Wood provides marketing
programs to over 600 registered value-added manufacturers. |
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Canfor Corporation |
Canfor Corporation -
Canfor Corporation is a leading integrated forest products company based in
Vancouver, British Columbia. The company is the largest producer of softwood
lumber and one of the largest market pulp producers in Canada. |
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Council of Forest Industries |
Council of Forest Industries -
The Council of Forest Industries is the provincial voice of the BC forest
industry. Representing over 100 forest companies and six trade associations, our
vision is global competitiveness for the industry. |
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Finning |
Finning -
Finning Canada sells, services, and finances the full line of Caterpillar and
complementary heavy equipment throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, and
the Northwest Territories. |
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Forest Ethics |
Forest Ethics -
Forest Ethics is a nonprofit environmental organization... our mission is to
protect endangered forests, and to achieve that goal we’ve created a
revolutionary new approach. |
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Fraser River Port |
Fraser River Port -
Fraser River,
The Fraser River Port is fully integrated with global transportation networks,
offering a complete range of services at terminals equipped for efficient
container and break-bulk handling. It is one of the largest auto ports in
Canada, and offers integrated services for the coastal forest industry and
short-sea shipping. |
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IWA Forestry |
IWA Forestry -
The Industrial, Wood and Allied Workers of Canada (IWA Canada) is the largest
private sector union is British Columbia, the I.W.A.'s roots are definitely in
BC's forests, but the Union also has a significant presence across Canada, and
many of our members work outside the forest industry. |
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Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan
- BC Govt. |
Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan - BC Govt. -
The Mountain Pine Beetle Action Plan is the cornerstone of the Province's
coordinated response to the mountain pine beetle infestation. The Action Plan
guides all levels of government, communities, industries and stakeholders
working to mitigate impacts of the pine beetle. It addresses forestry and
environmental issues as well as economic, social and cultural sustainability. |
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Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak -
David Suzuki |
Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak - David Suzuki -
Detailed information about science-based management of the beetle outbreak in
British Columbia can be found in the David Suzuki Foundation report called
"Salvaging Solutions". |
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Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers |
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers -
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers conducts over 140 unreserved public auctions every
year, offering a wide range of construction, transportation, mining, forestry,
petroleum and agricultural equipment. |
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