January 1/08: New Recycling and Disposal
Restrictions Effective January 1, 2008 ...
Metro Vancouver and member municipalities are committed to reducing
waste in the region. Earlier this year the Metro Vancouver Board
adopted a Zero Waste Challenge. The Zero Waste Challenge has two
goals: to minimize the generation of garbage and to maximize reuse,
recycling and energy recovery from used material. “Metro Vancouver has
to dispose of three million tonnes of garbage annually generated by
residents and business in the lower mainland.” said Metro Vancouver
Director and Surrey City Councillor Marvin Hunt. “Because of the
environmental and economic costs of handling this material, reducing
the amount of solid waste is important.”
As of January 1, 2008 the following materials are now banned or
restricted from the garbage. They are either recyclable or hazardous
and must be recycled or disposed of safely at specific locations. Do
not put them in the garbage at home or at work.
• blue box recyclables including glass, metal and plastic containers
• yard and garden waste
• all beverage containers (except milk)
• lead-acid (car) batteries
• medications/pharmaceuticals
• paint, solvents, flammable liquids, gasoline and pesticides
• vehicle tires for cars and small trucks
• motor oil, oil filters and empty containers
• electronic waste (personal computers and printers, televisions, and
• corrugated cardboard
• newsprint
• office paper
• gypsum drywall (gyprock)
Contact the Recycling Council of BC (RCBC) or your municipality for
options on recycling or safe disposal. Call 604-RECYCLE(604-732-9253)
or visit
For businesses, contact your waste hauler directly or Metro
Vancouver’s Business Services Group at 604-451-6575 or the Recycling
Council of BC at 604-732-9253.
For more information on this and other waste reduction initiatives,
www.metrovancouver.org or call the Metro Vancouver Information
Centre at 604-432-6200. |