Jan 31/08: Pulling the Plug on Public Hydro to Result in a Series of BC Hydro Rate Hikes ...
BC Citizens for Public Power has seen the writing on the wall,
since 2002, that the provincial government's privatization of some of
BC Hydro would cost consumers big time. Now The Sun confirms that the
cost to consumers will be a series of BC Hydro rate hikes.
Premier Gordon Campbell's now broken pre-election promise was blunt:
"I want to be clear that BC Hydro belongs to the people of British
Columbia and we believe it should remain that way. BC Liberals will
not sell BC Hydro." (The Sun, March 1, 2001.
What Campbell didn't say is that, by 2020, a full 40 per cent of all
power generated in B.C. will come from private power sources instead
of BC Hydro, and that power will cost all of us a lot more money as we
subsidize their profits. |