Greater Vancouver
Accessibility Resources ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver Accessibility Resources services, and related interests located within the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. |
Accessible Transportation
Services |
Accessible Transportation Services -
Greater Vancouver,
Information on accessible public transportation services in greater Vancouver. SkyTrain rapid transit, SeaBus passenger ferries, West Coast Express commuter
rail, B-Line bus, and Community Shuttle minibuses are all fully accessible. In
addition, most other buses have either low-floor access or are lift-equipped. |
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BC Blind Sports & Recreation
Association |
BC Blind Sports &
Recreation Association -
The British Columbia Blind Sports and Recreation Association is an association
of persons who are blind or partially sighted and their supporters, who aim is
to improve opportunities for persons with a visual impairment. There are
programs and opportunities designed to help our members in regions around the
province. We work closely with the CNIB and provincial sport associations and
local clubs to improve the access and opportunities in their local community,
for blind and partially sighted persons. |
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BC Lions Society for Children
with Disabilities |
BC Lions Society for Children
with Disabilities -
The BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities has been registered as a
charitable organization since 1952. You may also know us as the Easter Seal
People. Under both names, our Society mandate is to support children with
disabilities throughout British Columbia. We're dedicated to enriching the lives
of children through a renewed focus on "Giving Children Abilities". |
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BC Mobility Opportunities Society |
BC Mobility Opportunities Society -
The BC Mobility Opportunities Society is the leading not-for-profit association
in British Columbia providing challenging outdoor recreation activities for
people with significant disabilities. |
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BC Special Olympics |
BC Special Olympics -
British Columbia Special Olympics is a community based program. Its primary
instrument of program delivery is through community training programs, which are
operated by a team of volunteer coaches. These programs give athletes the
opportunity to train twelve months of the year in order to compete and test
their skills against athletes of a similar ability. |
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BC Wheelchair Sports |
BC Wheelchair Sports -
BC Wheelchair Sports is a not-for-profit organization devoted to providing
opportunities for athletes with physical disabilities. Since being founded in
1971, we have worked to provide access to quality programs for athletes with
disabilities. This has always been our focus and continues to be what drives us. |
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Connectra |
Connectra -
CONNECTRA works in partnership with people who have disabilities to reduce the
barriers that may limit them in the contribution of their skills and abilities
to the community and in their access to earning income. Our goal is to connect
people with disabilities to the community at large on a number of levels.
Individuals and businesses get involved to encourage and support our
participants with opportunities that help them to pursue interests and realize
ambitions. |
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Disabled Sailing Association |
Disabled Sailing
Association -
The Disabled Sailing Association operates from June through August at the
Jericho Sailing Centre at 1300 Discovery Street, Vancouver, BC. |
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Muscular Dystrophy Association of
Canada |
Muscular Dystrophy Association of
Canada -
Muscular Dystrophy Canada endeavors to provide relevant and current information
about many types of neuromuscular disorders in an easy to understand format. Our
publications cover important topics such as causes, symptoms, and treatments for
these disorders. All of MDC's information documents are written with our clients
in mind, and can be downloaded from this site. |
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Rick Hansen Foundation |
Rick Hansen Foundation -
The Rick Hansen Foundation works to create more accessible and inclusive
communities for people with a spinal cord injury, and supports the search for a
cure. |
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Sam Sullivan Disability
Foundation |
Sam Sullivan Disability
Foundation -
The Disability Foundation exists to help people with significant disabilities
living in the community achieve quality of life. It was created through the
initiative of quadriplegic Sam Sullivan to meet the challenges created when
people with significant disabilities move out of institutions into the community. |
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Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Association of BC |
Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Association of BC -
Our mission is to improve the quality of life of all individuals with spina
bifida and/or hydrocephalus and their families through awareness, education and
research. |
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Sport Med BC |
Sport Med BC -
A not-for-profit society, SportMedBC is a focal point for sport medicine and
science within the provincial sport system. SportMedBC is committed to
identiying, developing and promoting Best Practices in Sport Health, Sport
Safety and Sport Training. We aim to coordinate access to a network of
practitioners and to be the ultimate resources for all active British Columbians
interested in sport activities. |
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Vancouver Adapted Music Society |
Vancouver Adapted Music Society -
Dave Symington and Sam Sullivan, who were musicians before spinal chord
injuries resulted in quadriplegia, started VAMS (Vancouver Adapted Music
Society) in 1988. They, together with many others, spent years trying to develop
ways to create music. These efforts led to the formation of VAMS awareness band,
Spinal Chord, to raise awareness of the capabilities of people with severe
disabilities. VAMS worked with G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre to open a
recreational music studio in 1992 for the benefit of all people with
disabilities. |
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Wheel Chair Race Series |
Wheel Chair Race Series -
The BC Road Racing Series was founded in 1995 as a developmental wheelchair
racing program. The original series mission statement was to promote the
integration of persons with physical disabilities into sports and recreation
through organized wheelchair road racing events. |
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