Greater Vancouver Whale Watching ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver Whale Watching
businesses, services, and related interests located within the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada.See also:
Boating. |
Steveston Seabreeze Adventures |
Seabreeze Adventures -
Just a step away from the bustling city of Vancouver, you will plunge
right into a whale-watching journey... our goal is to observe marine
animals in their natural environment and to share the experience with our
tour passengers. |
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Vancouver Aquarium |
Vancouver Aquarium -
Vancouver, Stanley Park,
We are Canada's leading aquatic conservation organization. Over 60,000 animals
make their home here. Endless fun and education for the whole family. The
Vancouver Public aquarium is open to the public 7 days a week. |
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Vancouver Whale Watching |
Whale Watching -
3 to 5 hour Whale Watching tour includes a professional naturalist and
usually travels through the spectacular Gulf Islands. Besides the majestic
Killer Whales, we also can see bow-riding Dall's porpoises, sea lions,
bald eagles, seals and other wildlife. |
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